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transpiration-Stomata-Guttation | uksir-notes |Plant- Physiology

 Plant Physiology:


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-        Transpiration may be defined as the loss of water form aerial part of plant in the form of water vapor.

-         Although huge amount of water is absorbed by plants, but only 1-2% used, up to 98-99% lost in transpiration.

-        However transpiration follows 2 steps.

-        At first- water loss occurs from the  mesophyll cells to the inter cellular space.

-        2ndly water diffuse through the stomata.

Types of transpiration:

Cuticular transpiration:

-        There is loss of minute quantity of water through the cuticle.

-        Cuticle is one waxy coat on leaf epidermis.


-        Cuticle may found in stem and leaf of some plants.

-        The cuticular transpiration is around 20% of total transpiration.

Lenticular transpiration:

-        Loss of water vapor through lenticels of woody plants, is called as lenticular transpiration.

-         These lenticels are found on stem and fruit of woody plants.


-        The water loss is around 1-5% only.

Stomatal transpiration:

-        If water loss occurs through stomata, then it is called as stomatal transpiration.

-        How ever water loss occurs in water vapor form.

-        Here water loss amount is around 80%.

-        So maximum water loss occurs by stomatal transpiration.

Structure of stomata:

-        Stomata are minute pores present in leaf surface and some time young past of stem.

-        The distribution of stomata in monocot and dicot leaf, are different. Like wise the shape also varies.

-        Also the numbers varies according to plant species.

structure of stomata

-        Stomatal pore if mainly formed by 2 guard cells (kidney shape in dicot and dumbbell shape in monocot.) and many subsidiary cells.

-        The guard cell is mainly responsible for opening and closing of stomata. It has a thick and inelastic inner wall towards the pore and thin elastic wall towards outer side.

-        The cytoplasm contain many cytoplasmic lining, a nucleus, a central vacuole and many chloroplasts (non functional)

-        The opening and closing of stomata is generally dependent on the water transport.

-        If the guard cell become turgid, then stomata open.

-        Where as, if cell become flaccid then stomata closed.

-        Subsidiary cells also help in stomatal opening and closing.

-        Normal distribution-  1000- 60000/ cm2

Type of Stomata:


- On the basis of position and Acessory cell

Anomocytic- Accessory cell absent (Malvaceae)

Diacytic: 2 Accessory cells perpendicular to pore (Acantheceae)

Paracytic: Accessory cells parallel to stoma (Rubiaceae)

Anisocytic: 3 accessory cells are found (Cruciferae, solanum)

Actinocytic: at least five radiating cells forming a star-like circle (musaceae)

Cyclocytic: form a ring like structure (cyclanthaceae)

Gramineous: dumbbell shape stomata (monocots)


Type of stomata

On the basis of Distribution:

Hypostomatic: stomata lower side (apple)

Anisostomatic: more on lower, few at upper (Potato, Tomato )

Isostomatic: Equal on both surface (wheat, maize)

Epistomatic: only on upper surface (water lily)

Astomatic: (Potamogiton type) stomata absent 

Basis- opening and closing

1. Alfa- alfa type: open all day (pea, bean)

2. Potato type: open throughout day and night, but close at evening. (Alium, tulip)

3. Barley type: open for Few hour in a day (wheat, maize)

Mechanism of stomatal opening and closing:

-        Some theories discussed below to explain the mechanism of stomatal opening and closing:

opening and closing of stomata

1. Theory of starch- glucose inter conversion:

-        Proposed by Yin and Tund (1948) and Steward (1964)

-        When phosphrylase enzyme was found in guard cell, scientists strongly supported this theory.

During day time :

-         When the pH is high, starch of guard cell convert to glucose-1-phosphate by using phosphorylase enzyme.

-        Later glucose-1- PO4 covert to Glucose-6-PO4 and finally to glucose with the help of enzyme phosphoglucomutase and phosphatase respectively.

-        The presence of glucose in cytoplasm increases conc. of guard cell.

-        Now endosmosis occurs, for which cell become turgid.

-        Due to turgor pressure stomata open.

starch sugar inter conversion

At night:

-        reverse process occurs by formation of glucose-1-PO4 and lastly to Starch. This needs ATP.

-        The cells become flaccid and stomata close.

-        However there are some objections:

-        No sugar accumulation in guard cell.

-        Guard cell of monocots do not show starch synthesis.

-        Chloroplasts of guard cells are rudimentary.

Potassium Ion Theory:

-        It was observed by Imamura and Fujino (1959)

-        It was observed that there is K+ ion increase leads to stomatal opening despite of CO2 conc. and Light.

During day time- H+ pumps activation can be seen in guard cells.

-        Now a hyper polarized situation seen with inner –ve charge and outer + charge (H+ ions).

-        Now k+ ions enters the cell (activation of potassium pump due to blue light).

-         There will be entry of Cl- ions from the surrounding cells.

-        Malic acid forms malate.

-        Potassium combine with malate forming potassium malate.

-        It increases the conc. for which endosmosis occurs.

-         Thus stomata open.

potassium ion theory

During night:

-        Reverse occurs to close the stomata.

-        During night photosynthesis stops, now k+ ion efflux from guard cell.

-        Potassium malate convert to mallic acid.

-        Thus conc. of guard cell decrease.

-        Water comes out of the cell, closing the stomata.


Factors for Rate of Transpiration:


-     Root- shoot ratio: the absorption surface is more important.

-     Leaf area: more leaf area, more transpiration.

-     Stomatal frequency: directly proportional to transpiration rate.

-     Structure of leaf: tick cuticle, wax layer, sunken stomata etc. decreases the rate of transpiration.


-       Light: optimal temperature increases transpiration rate.

-     Wind: increase in wind velocity increases rate of transpiration.

-     Temperature: optimal temperature ,maximum transpiration.

-     Humidity of air: inversely proportional to transpiration.

Significance of Transpiration:

Beneficial role:

-     Gaseous exchange: it helps in absorption of carbon dioxide and release of oxygen to environment.

-     Cooling effect: transpiration helps in surface cooling as well as cools the photosynthetic system in plants.

-     Mineral transport and water movement: transpiration is the main cause for transport of water, from root to shoot. How ever minerals also transported through the transport of water.

-     Mechanical tissue development: more transpiration develops more mechanical tissue, for which plant become more healthy and resistant.

-     Turgidity: it is maintained by transpiration. It helps in better growth and gives mechanical support.

Harmful role:

-     Large amount of water is lost as compare to absorption.

-     Waste of huge amount of energy.

-     Deficit of water due more transpiration, may cause less metabolic activity.

-     Xerophytic plants show modifications to check transpiration.

Thus transpiration may be described as necessary evil for plants.

Anti transpirants:

-          There are some factors or materials which slow down the rate of transpiration.

-          Colorless plastids, silicon oil, low viscosity wax etc. spread on leaf to prevent water.

-          Rise in CO2 conc. results in partial closure of stomata.

-          Phenyl mercuric acetate, ABA etc are also in this category.


-          It is the loss of water in the form of liquid from uninjured part of plant.

-          Generally it occurs in tip and margin of leaves.


-          The epidermal layers of leaf contain grooves in which hydathodes can be found.

-          It mostly occurs during early morning or in night time.

-          Mostly present in herbaceous plants.

-          It do not control the leaf temperature and occurs due to root pressure.


-          Hydathodes are openin both day and night.

-          They contain pore ending with vascular supply surrounded by parenchyma.

-          It exuded water with some dissolve inorganic and organic substance.

Want to know about transport of water, osmosis in plants, Click the Link below:

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