Plant-Water-Transport | uksir-notes |Plant- Physiology
Plant Physiology:
Transport In Plants:
water Transport |
The transportation may start from root (Water and mineral) or
from Leaves (Food).
The transporting tissue is Xylem and phloem.
Plants also need Transpiration and Guttation like process for
transport of water.
Type of Transportation:
It is of 3 type in Plants :
I) Cellular Transport – With in a cell
Ii) Short distance Transport-
One cell to another
Iii) Long distance transport- Water and sugar transport
through Xylem and Phloem.
Cellular Transport:
In a cell, as the Plasma membrane is selectively permeable,
there are various type of transport system can be seen. They are of following
Membrane Transport:
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Transport Type |
As the Plasma membrane is selectively permeable, there are various type of transport system can be seen. They are of following types:
1. Passive Transport:
- Do not need any kind of energy for transport of material.
- Mostly transport occurs from high conc. Area to low conc. Area.
- Transport mainly dependent on simple diffusion or Osmosis process.
- Diffusion occurs directly or through the Channel and Carrier proteins(Facilitated diffusion)
- Neutral Solutes or Lipid soluble substances can directly pass through membrane.
- There are some open channel protein and Ion channels for facilitated diffusion.
Presence of Aqua porins for water transport.
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Passive Transport |
2. Active Transport:
- In Active transport there is use of Energy.
- Here the transport of material occurs from lower conc. To Higher conc. i.e. against the Osmosis law.
- Active transport is of two type
- A)Primary active transport: Direct use of ATP as energy source
- B)Secondary Active transport: ATP is not used directly. Other sources for energy.
- Primary Active transport- Example- H+ ATpase Present in Mitochondria, Calcium pump ATpase in RBC and Muscle cells.
- Secondary Active transport mostly done by various carrier proteins, also called as pumps.
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Types |
- Pumps are of 3 types- Uniport (1 molecule to one direction at a time )
Symport (2 Molecule transport to the same direction)
Antiport (2 molecule transport to opposite direction)
- Uniport Pumps – K+/potassium Pump, Cl- pump etc.
- Antiport Pump - Sodium Potassium Pump, Na + ca2+ exchanger in plasma membrane etc.
- Symport Pumps - K+ H+ pump symporter in root, Na+ Cl – symporter, K+ Cl – symporter loop of henle.
3. Bulk Transport:
- When cell need material in Group/bulk/in Large number, it perform bulk transport.
- It is of Two Type-
- A) Endo Cytosis: Inner ward transport of material with help of Carrier Vesicle.
- B) Exo Cytosis: Outer ward transport of material with help of Carrier Vesicle.
- Endo Cytosis is either -
- i) Phago Cytosis- Cell eating or ii) Pino Cytosis/ Poto Cytosis- Cell Drinking
- Sometime Receptor / Ligand mediated endocytosis can be seen.
Bulk transport |
The movement of particles from their higher conc to their
lower conc, it is called as diffusion.
The particles may be Gas, liquid or solid.
They maintain equllibrium through diffusion.
Generally diffusion occurs due to – Particle’s kinetic energy and difference in
conc. Of particular areas.
Diffusion pressure: (DP)
Due to diffusion of particles a pressure is developed called
as the DP.
Maximum DP is of Pure Water : ~1336.40 Atm at 200C
It decraes when solute is added.
Imbibition :
When a solid particle absorb water but donot form solution, its
called as imbibition.
The water absorbtion may increase their size.
Imbibants: the solid particle which absorb water
(Hydrophillic in nature).
Imbibate: The liquid which is absorbed.
Due to imbibtion wetting heat may generate, and the
imbibition pressure is really high.
Ex: Wooden door swell in rainy season, seed swell up before
germination etc.
Osmosis process was
discovered by Nollet (1748)
osmosis |
Osmosis may be defined as the flow of solvent or water
molecule from less conc. Solution area to high conc. Solution Through a semipermeable
Osmosis is the flow of solvent from its high conc. To
its lower conc. Area through a semipermeable
When water pass from its high water potential area to its
lower water potential area is called as the Osmosis process.
Both pressure gradient and conc. Gradient decide the
direction and rate of osmosis.
Osmotic Conc.:
It is the amount of dissolved solute in solution per unit
It can be of 3 types:
Hypotonic solution: if osmotic conc. Is lower then the cell
sap or another solution.
Hyper tonic Solution: If osmotic conc is higher then the cell
sap or another solution.
Isotonic Solution: If osmotic conc. Is equal to the cell sap conc.
solution-type |
Osmosis Types:
Generally of 2 type-according to water movement.
Ex-osmosis : When water comes out of the cell due to placing
it in Hypertonic solution, its called ex-osmosis. Due to ex-osmosis cell loose
turgidity and become flaccid.
Endosmsis : When water is absorbed by cell due to placing it
in Hypotonic solution, then its called as endosmosis. In this case cell become
more turgid.
turgid-cell |
When a cell attains, its maximum size due to fully hydrated
condition, it is called as Turgid cell.
Now this property is called as Turgidity.
Here the pressure developed by cell membrane against cell
wall is called as Turgor Pressure (TP).
Osmotic pressure: (OP)
When a solution is separated by one semipermeable membrane
from its pure solvent (water), then the solution develops a pressure – called
as osmotic pressure.
OP is directly proportional to the Conc. Of the solution and
the temperature.
It also depends on the solute particle (Ionization and
OP of plant generally varies from- 4 to 5 Atm.
Help in absorption of water by cell.
Help in maintaining the turgidity of Cell.
Help in movement of plant parts.
Help in opening and closing of stomata.
Some time provide resistant to cold stress.
Due to excess exosmosis in cell, cytoplasm become dehydrated.
Cytoplasm shrink from the cell wall, become jelly like
semisolid condition.
Thus due to exosmosis, shrinkage of protoplast is called as Plasmolysis
The cell show plasmolysis process is called as Plasmolysed cell.
plasmolysis |
It may be of 3 stages:
Limiting Plasmolysis:
starting stage where water loss starts, vacuole and cytoplasm starts
shrinking. (Here TP= 0)
Incipient Plasmolysis: Due to continuous exosmosis, cytoplasm
shrinks. (Here TP= less -ve)
- Evident plasmolysis: Last stage of shrinkage, protoplast become rounded.
(Here TP = extremely -ve). A cell can’t survive in this
when a plasmolysed cell placed in water and again come to its original
size, by getting hydrated.
Plant water relationship:
water content in a plant cell is 75- 95%, there is a plant water relationship
develops. To define this we use dome term like- Water potential, pressure
potential, solute potential, matric potential etc.
Chemical potential:(ᴪ)
According to thermodynamics- free energy represents the
potential of performing work.
So the quantitative expression of free energy present in any chemical in a
system is called as Chemical potential.
It’s a relative quantity.
Larger the chemical potential = greater chance of chemical
Chemical potential Unit is = energy in per mole
of substance (J/ mole)
Osmotic / Solute Potential: (ᴪs)
It is the potential of water molecule to move from less conc.
Solution to high conc. Solution through a semipermiable membrane.
Osmotic potential decrease
due to addition of solute in pure water.
There for osmotic potential always carry a –ve sign.
ᴪs = C×R×T
Here C= conc. Of solute in mole/L
R = Universal gas constant (0.083)
T= Temp in absolute degree.
OP is less –ve at 00C and more –ve in warmer
This result the flow of water from colder to warmer condition.
Turgor Pressure (ᴪp):
The pressure of cell membrane or protoplast against cell wall
is called Turgor pressure.
Also called Hydrostatic pressure or Pressure potential. (ᴪp)
Normally in a normal condition cell Wall pressure and Turgor
pressure are almost equal.
Metric Potential (ᴪm):
Expression of water absorption by matrix, colloidal particle
or surface in plant cell.
Macrix potential show almost negligible value, which do not
considered in calculation.
Also called as
Chemical potential of water.
It’s the difference between the free energy present in
solution to that of pure water.
Water potential of Pure water is maximum i.e. 0 Mpa. (1 Mpa =
10 bars.)
Water potential of solution is –ve as solute is added.
Water potential formula
ᴪw = ᴪs + ᴪp
+ ᴪm
Here ᴪw = water potential
ᴪs = solute potential, ᴪp
= pressure potential, ᴪm = matric potential.
But ᴪm is negligible
So ᴪw =ᴪs + ᴪp
Diffusion Pressure Deficit (DPD):
I is the difference between diffusion pressure od solution to
its pure solvent. (at particular temp, and pressure.)
The term was coined by Meyer (1938).
It determine the direction of water movement. (Water move
from High DPD to Low DPD.)
DPD have +ve sign.
DPD is directly related to conc. Of solution. (DPD α Conc. Of solution)
DPD is the measure of ability of cell to absorb water, therefore
also called as Suction pressure (SP).
But, WP =
TP (in turgid cell)
S0, DPD =
In fully turgid cell :
OP =TP, So, DPD = 0 (Zero)
In fully
Plasmolyzed cell : TP = 0, So,
DPD = OP /
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