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Difference prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell (Cell Bio- 2 by UK sir)


 Difference - Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell

Difference-between-prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell

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Type of cell on the Basis of Structure:





Prokaryotic cell
Prokaryotic cell

      Cell organelles absent here .

- In prokaryotic cell Genetic Material is called – Genophore/ Nucleoid/ Prochromosome/ Incipient Nucleus/ DS Circular DNA.

      Plasmid may present in some prokaryotic cell , which is extra chromosomal DNA.

      Cell wall – present in bacteria and cyanobacteria. Absent in PPLO.

      Cellwall material is mostly PeptidoGlycan. (Mucopeptide)

      Flagella and Fimbriae- present in some bacteria. 

Flagella help in Locomotion. 

Non motile Pilli or fimbriae help during Conjugation/attachment process.

      Cyanobacteria contain Photosynthetic thylakoids, which help in phtosynthesis.

      Prokaryotic cell don’t contain any cell organelles, i.e. single compartment system.

      Original Vacuole absent, small gas vacuoles may present.

      Ribosomes are of 70s type, present in the cytoplasm.

      Mesosome replace the Mitochondria and produce energy in Prokaryotic cell.

      Respiratory enzymes attached with cell membrane, mostly to the mesosome

      Mode of Nutrition mostly – Saprophytic, Parasitic, symbiotic or some time Autotrophic.

      Reproduction occurs by binary fission/Asexual reproduction/Genetic recombination.

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Eukaryotic Cell (Properties):

Eukaryotic Cell

- These are true or new  type of cell with advance system.

- Most of the multicellular organisms are  having Eukaryotic cells.

- Here well developed true nucleus can be found ,with its specific structure.

- Nuclear /chromosomal DNA is linear and present inside Nucleus.

- Cell wall is absent in case of Animal Cells, but present in case of plants.

- The cell wall material is cellulose /chitin.

- All cell organelles present in the cytoplasm.

- Mitochondria, chloroplast, ER, Golgi body , etc. can be seen which develop according to their functions.

- Mitochondria is the power house, where Energy is generated in the form of ATP.

- Chloroplast is well developed which produce food material (simple sugar- Glucose).

- Both Mitochondria& chloroplast are Semiautonomous cell organelles. They show prokaryotic character.

- Respiratory enzymes present in both Mitochondria & cytoplasm.

- Protein synthesis can be seen in cytoplasm, Mitochondria and Chloroplast.

- True type of Vacuole can be seen in plant Cells, in animals some time small vacuoles can be seen.

- The Ribosome is 80s type.

- Cell divides mostly by Somatic cell division.

- Few cell form gametes, by meiosis during the sexual Reproduction.

- Spindle fiber production can be seen during nuclear division.

- Reproduce by Vegetative, Asexual and  sexual methods (ex- Unicellular algae).

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