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Plant Physiology-Mineral-nutrition-plants | part - 1 by UK Sir

Mineral Nutrition:-

-          The process of utilizing raw material by organism to maintain their growth and body structure is called as Nutrition.


-          The organic process of nourishing or nourishment is called as Nutrition.

-          When we study absorption and metabolism of inorganic nutrient, it is called as Mineral nutrition.

-          Sachs (1860) and Knops (1865) started a series of experiments.

-          Arnon and Hoagland (1940) explain about all mineral nutrients.

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Techniques of the Experiments:


-          Technique for growing plant without soil.

-          Minerals provided by nutrients solution.

-          Also aeration is done for root system.

-          It can be done by 2 methods:

Tank System:



-          Here root of plants are placed in a tank containing nutrients solution.

Film system:


-          Here plants are grown in tubes.

-          A thin film of nutrient solution is circulated by pumping system.

-          Technique for growing plant without soil.

-          Here air or mist environment is used.


-          Mist is a thin layer of condensed vapor/ fog created by spraying technique.

-          Here large tank contain liquid solution, with all nutrients.

-          Root of plants is placed in hanging condition.

-          At base a motor run rotor to generate mist or moisture cloud.

Inorganic Nutrients:

-          When nutrients taken/ absorbed in their elemental/ ionic form, it is called inorganic nutrient.

-          It includes water and mineral ions.


-          Grouped in to two categories:

-          Essential : ( 17 ) C, H, O, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, B, Mn, Cu, Zn, Mo, Cl and Ni                                  (Al, Si (Silicon), Na, Ga (Gallium), may be essential for some plant)

-          Non-essential – all other excluding these are nonessential.

Essential Elements:

-          Term was proposed by Arnon and Stout (1939)

Some criteria/ condition to be on essential element:

-          Must be Essential for normal growth and reproduction, without which plant can’t complete its life cycle.

-          It should be specific in requirement, i.e. can’t replace by any other element.

-          Must involve directly in metabolism.

-          Occurrence of disorder or malfunction due to its absence.

Based on required quantity Essential elements can be differentiated in to 2 categories.

i. Macro elements and ii. Micro Elements

i) Macro elements:

-          Also called as macronutrients or major elements.

-          They require to plant in large amount.

-          The quantity is around 1-10 mg /g dry weight of the plant..

-          Involved in synthesis of protoplasm and maintaining osmotic potential.

-          C, H, O, N, P, Ca, K, S, Mg – 9 macronutrients.

-          3 macronutrients are generally deficit in soil called as Critical elements (N, P & K)

-          So the fertilizers, with critical elements are called complete fertilizer.

ii) Micro elements:

-          Also called as Micronutrients or Trace elements.

-          They required in trace/ less amount by plants.

-          Amount may be equal or less than 1 mg/g dry weight of the plant.

-          Main function is enzyme activation, i.e. act as cofactor or metal activator.

-          Zn, Mn, B, Cu, Fe, Ni, Mo, Cl-  8 microelements.

-          They become toxic to plant in high conc.

Essential elements – Function and deficiency symptoms:

-          Every essential element has specific functions.

-          They are necessary for several vital functions.

-          They must maintain their specific conc. Or the plant can’t grow properly.

-          Critical conc.– the conc. Of essential element below which growth of plant is retarded.

-          Deficiency symptoms:- the morphological changes that indicate deficiency of an element.

Function and deficiency :


i) Macro Elements :


-          Absorbed in the form of Nitrate, nitrite and ammonia form.

-          Function:

-          Form protein, nucleic acids, co enzyme, hormones vitamins etc.

-          Helpful in cell division, growth and photosynthesis.

-          Deficiency Disorder 


-          like Chlorosis, dormancy of lateral bud occurs.

-          Premature leaf fall, delay of flowering may be seen.

-          Stem may become purple.

2.Phosphorus (P): 

-          Can be absorbed in the form of H2PO4- and PO43-.

-          Function:

-          Form N.A., protein, ATP, NADP etc.

-          Help in energy transfer.

-          Form phospholipid.

Deficiency Disorder :


-          Premature leaf fall, delay of flowering, necrosis, Reduced growth etc.

-          Vascular tissue poorly developed.

-          Leaf pigmented (purple and red spot) due to anthocyanin.


3.Sulphur  (S):

-          Absorbed as SO42- and SO2 from air.

-          Function:

-          Form vitamins, proteins, Amino acids etc.

-          Help in chlorophyll formation.

-          Help in nodule formation.

-          Component of allylsulphide (of onion, ginger) and sinigrin (of mustard)

-          Deficiency Disorder

-          Chlorosis, accumulation of anthocyanin.

-          Necrosis, premature leaf fall, leaf curl.

-          Hard and woody stem formation.

-           In citrus fruit juice reduction.

       Disease caused - Tea yellow.


4.Calcium (Ca):

-          Absorbed as Ca2+

-          Function:

-          Help in maintaining cell permeability.

-          Component of middle lamella and cell wall.

-          Stabilize structure of chromosome.

-          Help in development of root and shoot apex.

-          Organization of cell wall and mitotic spindle during cell division.

-          Detoxification- Oxalic acid to calcium oxalate.

-          Deficiency Disorder


-          Chlorosis at margin of young leaf.

-          Stunted growth in plants.

-          Necrosis can be seen, death of root tip.

-          Premature fall of flower.

      Disease- blossoms rot in Tomato.


5.Magnesium (Mg):

-          Absorbed in the form of Mg2+.

-          Function:

-          Necessary for synthesis of DNA and RNA .

-          It’s a component of Chlorophyll.

-          Help in activation of enzymes.

-          Deficiency Disorder


-          Premature leaf abscission.

-          Leaf tip curls.

-          Inter vein chlorosis can be seen.

-          Purple pigmentation can be seen.

-          Formation of necrotic spot.


6.Potassium (K) :

-          Absorbed in K+ form.

-          Function:

-          Essential for Photosynthesis, respiration, protein synthesis etc.

-          Helps in translocation of food.

-          Help in stomatal opening and closing.

-          It act as cofactor of around 40 enzymes.

-          It maintain turgidity of cell and ion balance.

-          Deficiency Disorder


-          Apical bud growth reduced, leads to rosette of bushy habit.

-          Short internodes founds with loss of cambium activity.

-          Scorching of leaf can be seen.

        Inhibits protein synthesis.


     Micro elements will be discussed in next part.

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