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Biomolecules-Enzymes | UK-Sir-Notes | Biomolecule-4


Enzyme Substrate

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Ø  Enzyme is also called as bio catalyst.

Ø  Anselme Payen (1833)-  discovered enzyme.

Ø  Buchner (1897)- isolated 1st enzyme  from yeast reaction- called as Zymase.

Ø  Louise Pasteur (1860)-coined the term ferments

Ø  Kuhne (1878)-coined the term enzyme.

Ø  Several thousand number of enzymes present with in a body.

Ø  All enzymes are protein biocatalyst.

Ø  Enzymes are those which can catalyze the biological reactions inside body or cell with out any change of them.

Ø  If present outside cell- exoenzyme (digestive juice)

Ø  If present inside cell- endoenzyme (enzymes of glycolysis)

Ø  Act on the substance called as substrate.



Ø  Almost enzymes are Globular proteins.

Ø  They may be of 2 types:

Ø  Simple enzymes: totally made by protein, active site formed by own A.A. (Ex- Pepsin, urease etc)

Ø  Conjugated Enzymes: made by two part,

Protein part (apoenzyme) + non protein part (cofactor) = Holoenzyme (active form)

Cofactor may be – Coenzyme and prosthetic group.

Coenzyme- separable organic co factor (coenzyme A, ATP, NADP+)

Prosthetic Group- tightly attached (Heme group, FMN, FAD etc)

There is also presence of some metal activaters (Inorganic cofactors)-Fe 2+ for catalase, Cl- for Salivery Amylase.

Complete enzyme

Active Site:

Ø  Part of enzyme which perform the function- named as active site.

Ø  Active spot may be – one or several.

They have Specific charge, size and shape to hold substrate.



Ø  Common Suffix – ase (few exception)

Ø  Mostly name given after-

Type of Substrate: Sucrase, lipase, Nuclease etc

Type of Reaction: dehydrogenase, oxidase etc


Classification by International Union Of Biochemistry (IUB) 1961: 6 categories.


Enzyme Classification


Ø  It is the amount of energy need to over come the energy barrier for start of the reaction.

Ø  Every reaction can’t start itself- due to mutual repulsion, hydrogen bonding, small reactant site etc.

Ø  Activation energy is always external. 

Activation energy


There are 2 hypothesis:

1.      Lock and Key Hypothesis:

Ø  By Emil Fischer (1894)

Ø  Substrate and enzyme have specific geometrical shape like one lock and key.

Ø  Every lock have specific key, like wise every Enzyme have specific substrate.

Lock and key hypohesis

2.      Induce Fit Theory:

Ø  By Koshland (1959)

Ø  Active sites are not fixed, rather they can change their configuration.(conformational change)

Active site contain two groups- buttressing (support the substrate) and catalytic group (weakens the bonds of reactant)

Induce fit theory


Ø  All enzymes are proteins, mostly globular protein, few are Ribozyme.

Ø  Most of the enzymes are colloidal in nature.

Ø  They increase the rate of chemical reaction.

Ø  Enzymes are highly specific- for substrate.

Ø  They are also Heat sensitive- Optimal temp is 15-350  (after 550 denatures)

Ø  They are Specific to pH.

Ø  Theymay perform chain ractions.


Proenzymes or Zymogen:

Ø  These are Precursor of enzyme – in inactive form

Ø  Become reactive or activate at specific pH.

Ø  Ex - Pepsinogen convert to Pepsin in gastric juice

Allosteric Enzyme:

Ø  That enzyme which contain different allosteric sites for different modulators or effectors.

Ø  Like- activator , inhibitors

Isoenzymes or Isozymes:

Ø  Isozymes are number of variants of a specifc enzyme.

Ø  They can perform the same substrate activity,  same function and can give same product.

Ø  More then 100 enzymes have isozymes.

Ø  Ex-Lactic dehydrogenase have 5 isozymes

Enzyme Function Velocity:




Inhibition Of Enzyme action:



Inhibition type


Type of Inhibition 4


 That's all about Enzymes. Feel free to ask doubts in comment section.. UKsir

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