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Ultra- Structure-Prokaryotic-Bacteria- Cell | Notes by UK Sir | Cell Bio- 4

Ultra Structure of Bacterial/ Prokaryotic cell:

Ultra Structure of Bacterial/ Prokaryotic cell:


Want to know about Shape size of Bacterial cell, Gram staining Click the link below :

Want to know about difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell, Click the Link below: 

1.     Cell Envelope:

      It is the Outer covering of the protoplasm

      Consists of 3 Parts-

a)     Glycocalyx  b) Cell wall c) Cell membrane


      Present Outside to cell wall

      Contain 2 layers =    Inner S- Layer and Outer Mucilage layer


Mucilage layer :  is jelly like structure made up of Polysaccharide (Carbohydrate). Later it become hard Capsule.

      S- Layer: made up of Poly peptide(Acidic AA)


·        Gives hardness and resistant power

·        Gives- Stickiness/Attachment with any surface

·         Protect from virus attack, Phagocytosis, Chemicals etc

·        S – layer Prevent from Lysozyme and chemicals


      It is the Rigid/hard, solid, dead, covering of the cell.

      A Periplasmic space between Plasma membrane and Wall is present.

Wall thickness  =    in Gram +ve bacteria  – 20-80 nm

In Gram –ve bacteria  – 8-12



·        Outer membrane =  Lipo poly saccharides

·        Inner membrane- Peptidoglycon/ Murein/ Mucopeptide + Protein+ carbohydrate + lipid

·        Peptidoglycon= NAG (N-Acetyl Glucosamine)+ NAM (N- Acetyl Muramic acid)

 (long chains  of NAG and NAM cross linked by small peptide chains)

·        In Gram +ve Bacterial wall = Peptidoglycon is 70-80% + Lipid= 10-20% + teichoic acids

·        In Gram –ve Bacterial wall = lipid is more- 20-30% and Peptidoglycon is less.


      The main function of cell wall is to Give shape and Rigidity to cell.

c) Plasma membrane:

      It is the Inner most layer of Cell envelope.

      Plasma membrane is Elastic, semipermeable and  living in nature.

      It is Just like the typical eukaryotic  membrane.(Lipoprotein in nature)

      Made up of Lipid bilayer with proteins.

      Also holds receptor molecules, mostly carbohydrate or saccharides.

      Plasma membrane is Metabolically active  - show  respiration, lipid synthesis as well as cell wall material synthesis.

      The main function of Plasma Membrane is to make a Covering or boundary around the cytoplasm.

2. Cytoplasm:

      Cytoplasm is Living, viscous, transparent, jelly like substance.

      It is Present  inside the membrane.

      Cytoplasm is nothing but Crystal containing colloidal system.

      It is Granular due large number of ribosomes.

      Small gas vacuoles may present, but true vacuoles absent.

      Prokaryotic cytoplasm don’t show any kind moment.

      There are some Structures present in side cytoplasm:

a) Mesosome      b) Ribosome   c) Chromatophore

Want to know about Shape size of Bacterial cell, Gram staining Click the link below :

Want to know about difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell, Click the Link below: 


    So this is the Envelope  of Bacteria/ Prokaryotic cell. In next article we will see the special structure below cell membrane of Bacteria.

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